
Things to keep in mind before hiring an auto accident lawyer

It is quite a pattern of life that when you least expect it, some tragedy happens. All you can do is prepare for all the eventualities and consequences. This is why it is imperative to have a contingency plan. Auto accident lawyers come in handy when you have met with an accident. For a free consultation and quote contact your Maryland auto accident attorney today. 

So, what are the things that you should keep in mind before hiring your auto accident lawyer? Here are some of the essential facts for you to keep in mind,

Free consultation

If the situation doesn't need immediate advising and legal counsel, meetings with the auto accident attorney are free of charge. You will need to negotiate about the details of the case with the staff or the attorney personally as long as the case is ongoing. Most attorneys have a no-win-no-fee protocol in place, and this brings us to the next point.

The no-win-no-fee rule

Some might still require you to the pay up the retainer fees upfront before even accepting the case, but most of the professional practice is sure of the outcome of a case even before the attorney takes it. Therefore, in most cases, there is a no-win-no-fee rule in place. In case you win, a percentage of the settlement will be awarded to the attorney for his/her services.

More on the fee

The percentage taken by the attorney as his/her charge depends on several factors, including the complexity of the case, the state of residence, and personal preference of the lawyer. So, make sure you know what you will need to pay your attorney before signing on the dotted line.

Provide all the information to the attorney

You need to call up your attorney or visit his/her firm armed with all the details of the case. You will need the vehicle insurance policy, the medical insurance policy, medical records, and hospital bills following the accident. Pictures of the vehicle after the crash or collision, along with other details like the official accident report, police report if the law enforcement was involved and witness statements should also be recorded and brought to the attorney.

The process is tedious and lengthy

Even with an expert legal help keep in mind that the settlement is a lengthy and tedious process and you will face delays and frustrations all along the way. So, maintain communication with your attorney throughout the process to keep the hopes and moral high.

About doing your part

The attorney is just one member of the team. For the team to function efficiently, you need to make sure that you do your part correctly as well. Maintain lines of communications, do not miss appointments, and always provide the attorney with all the details, information, and documents that are required.

These are the simple considerations that you need to keep in mind before investing in an auto accident lawyer. Do your part and all the best!

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