
Blog (Page 28)

Occupational Health and Safety Industry Best Practices

The primary objective of the Occupational Health and Safety Act is to ensure that safety at work is achievable in every organization big or small. By complying with this act, you can address issues that may pose danger to your employees, well before any untoward incidents occur. Workplace inspections serve a critical role in fulfilling this objective and in maintaining a safe, productive work environment where your business can... ❯❯❯

Injury by Accident V. Specific Traumatic Incident

There are generally two requirements for an employee who is injured at work, to qualify for Workers' Compensation: (1) the employee must suffer by accident; and (2) the injury must arise out of and in the course of employment. As a general rule, employees must suffer an injury by accident in order to give rise to a claim under the Workers' Compensation laws. The term "accident" has been interpreted as an "unlooked for and untoward... ❯❯❯

Workers' Compensation: How to Ensure You Are Getting the Benefits You Deserve

If you are injured at your place of employment as the result of an accident that prevents you from returning, then you are entitled to workers' compensation. The system is put into place to cover medical costs and protect employees who can no longer earn an income because of injuries they sustain while working. Like most government systems there is a high rejection rate, in part to save money and also because of the many people who... ❯❯❯

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